Art Deco : Style popular in the 1920s
Barnstormers : Pilots who flew through the country selling airplane rides and performing stunts.
Collective Bargaining : Negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment.
Euphoric : Extrem happiness.
Insider Trading : Trading of a public company's stock.
Martial Law : Suspension of civil law by a government.
New Deal : A series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and 1939.
Partisan : This has several meanings but the main one is a supporter.
Petrochemicals : Chemicals obtained from petroleum.
Rationing : Limiting
Red Scare : The fear of a potential rise of communism.
Roaring Twenties : 1920s
Shelterbelts: Trees planted to protect an area.