To be a good citizen you have to show devotion for your country. Honesty – tell the truth. Integrity – be morally upright. Responsibility – be accountable for yourself and your actions. A good citizen contributes to their nation by being productive. They’re productive employees, business owners, artists, public servants, caregivers, and so on. Be Active in Your Community. A good citizen is active in their community. Keep Yourself Well-Informed. Read to educate yourself about the important issues facing your nation. Even though, people who obey laws and contribute to society are generally seen as good citizens. good citizens make our society a better place by improving the environment that they live in. This provides everyone with a sense of community to an area and a sense of pride and responsibility for the are they live in. Good citizens are actively involved in their community and in the betterment of their fellow citizens. They take pride in where they live and strive to make it a better place. We all want to be known as a good citizen, and with a little thought and effort, anyone can be one. While voting is a right and privilege of citizenship, it is also a duty or responsibility Citizens have the responsibility to stay informed of the issues affecting their communities, as well as national and international issues, and to be active in the civic processes. You also have to Community involvement. ...Practicing tolerance. ...Passing it on. There are lots of ways to be a good citizen including A Good Citizen is Patriotic, Model the Personal Qualities of Good Citizens, be a Productive Member of Society, Be Active in Your Community, Keep Yourself Well-Informed, Be Vigilant. Participate in Your Nation’s Political Life and Be a Mentor. Being a good citizen is very important. A good citizen is normally the type of person who works hard, helps others and respects the law. Respect the dignity of other citizens and their rights. People are the most important part of a community. As citizens, people have an important role in a community. Citizens have civic responsibilities like obeying laws, being a good neighbor, and helping to solve problems.
Explanation: Hope this helps!! Have An Amazing Day!!