So in this question basically look at the basic phases, we started orbiting a planet, let's for the second definitely. So let's look at the plant to be for example. And you look at the earth. Right. Um so I suppose you have the Earth which and then you have started with the satellites basically launched into orbit like this. Right? So in the orbiter uh into orbit like this, I suppose it's in a circular orbit. For example, this now suppose the planet has a mass are and this orbit is kind of hitch above the surface of the planet and into orbit with certain frequency omega, right? Uh with certain frequency omega. And then of course, you know, um they there will be a centripetal force that's provided by the gravitational force. Right? So suppose the satellite has a mass M and the planet has a mass M. And then obviously um the gravitational force will be m times M over the orbit. The radius of the orbiter which is of course our plus H squared um as yeah, that would be the sort of multiple of course also by the gravitational constant. Right? This gives you the gravitational force and it provides you the centripetal force uh for the orbit. Right? So that is m times uh you know, uh omega squared times our plus H. Right? So um so you see that the and of course you can also rewrite this little bit. You see you can rewrite this like um times v squared over R plus H. Right? Um so basically this is the basic equation that basically tells you how I'll text you the promise of orbits, right? And obviously, um they put the energy of the of the of the system, the to the energy of the system actually is given by, you know, first you have the MRI squared right? And then um minus, you know, the, you know, the plastic presentation of energy which is G um over how to press ahead. So these are police energies is conserved. So I think this equation to tell you everything you probably need about the the orbit of a satellite.