1. As time passes Papa's behavior becomes increasingly erratic. To which of the following factors does Jeanne attribute this?
A. Mama's emotional distance from her husband
B. Papa has no business venture to be responsible for
C. Papa's reliance on alcohol to get him though the day
D. Papa's interrogation ordeal in Lincoln, South Dakota
2. In the chapter entitled: "The Reservoir Shack: An Aside," the author changes voice. In which of the following passages is this change most evident?
A. "The sergeant smiled suspiciously."
B. "…but when they turned off the light and stretched out on the cots…"
C. "The reservoir crew didn't blink…"
D. "My brother-in-law was foreman of a reservoir maintenance detail…"
3. The government asks the detainees to sign an Loyalty Oath. This causes a disturbance in the camp because
A. it could mean the detainees would be sent to a different camp if they fail to sign it.
B. it puts the women of the camp in danger of being drafted into the military.
C. the way it is written offers the detainees no reasonable choice.
D. the oath's intention is to introduce more harsh treatment of the detainees in the camp.
4. The effect that Papa's return has on the family is best indicated by which of the following?
A. Despite his return the family's problems continue.
B. Jeanne's poor relationship with her father before he left is made much better as a result of his return.
C. The fact that he seems in better physical shape than he was before inspires the family to survive.
D. His return makes it possible for the family to stay together.
5. The author characterizes Woody as
A. having given up his efforts to make the best of the family's circumstances.
B. resentful of his and his family's captivity by the American government.
C. having found his life passion of professional acrobatics.
D. doing the best he can to fulfill the role of head of the household.
6. The author often uses metaphor to get her point across. Which of the following passages from her book provides the best example of this?
A. "This was like bloodying the nose of God."
B. "But these were still unfamiliar visits from a demon we had never seen when we lived in Ocean Park."
C. "He would save this up and concoct brews in a homemade still he kept behind the door…"
D. "During that first summer and fall of sandy congestion and wind-blown, the bitterness accumulated…"
7. The Wakatsuki family is housed in a setting characterized as
A. row after row of wood-framed barracks, six units each, none with cellars.
B. two-story brick buildings with dark, often muddy basements.
C. clusters of large canvas tents set in circles around a central shack.
D. single unit masonry buildings with crawl spaces underneath.
8. Context clues such as graphics, pictures, and charts aid comprehension by
A. drawing the reader's attention to important words and phrases.
B. using certain synonyms and antonyms.
C. comparing and contrasting important information.
D. drawing reader's attention to syntactical clues.
9. Which of the following best indicates the reason Papa wants to stay in camp when he learns that it is soon to close?
A. He is frightened by the prospect of having to return to Japan.
B. He realizes he has absolutely nowhere to go.
C. He wants to stay until Woody comes back from the war.
D. He thinks another war is looming on the horizon.
10. In which of the following passages is the author's use of figurative language most evident?
A. "Mama's first concern, meanwhile, as always, was how to keep money coming in."
B. "To maintain some hold on his self-esteem Papa began to pursue his doomed plan…"
C. "No record of his fishing boats remained. It was another snip of the castrator's scissors, and he never really recovered from this…"
D. "As soon as the front door was closed, Papa went in and flushed it, and when it worked, we all hooted with delight."