This is a funny story from my childhood,
Step-by-step explanation:
My father was a Boyscout all the way up to the Eagles. (Which is the highest level you can go to as boyscout. They are about 16-17) Which made him think that when we went camping, he was the man for the job. So we got out to the camping site and we were setting up the tent. My brother was having a hard time getting the pole inside the tent to stick upwards. So my dad comes rushing over and pulls him aside and says "Son, let me teach you how to set up a pole tent. I'm unbeatable when it comes to setting these up. I got the fastest pole tent set up when I was about your age." So he sticks the pole inside and shoots back out and smacks him right in the middle of his face. He falls down and we start laughing. He shakes his head and says "It's rigged" My mother comes over with a smile and sticks the pole in with no effort and the tent stands perfectly balanced. That's the time my dad got beaten in setting up a tent by my mother, who never was a girlscout.