Terms are single numbers, variables, or the product of a number and variable.
A factor is one part of a product.
Hint #22 / 4
The expression \red{ab} + \green{cd}+ \blue{ef}ab+cd+efstart color #df0030, a, b, end color #df0030, plus, start color #28ae7b, c, d, end color #28ae7b, plus, start color #6495ed, e, f, end color #6495ed + \purple{gh}ghstart color #9d38bd, g, h, end color #9d38bd consists of four products of variables connected by addition so each product is a term. The first term is \red{ab}abstart color #df0030, a, b, end color #df0030, the second term is \green{cd}cdstart color #28ae7b, c, d, end color #28ae7b, the third term is \blue{ef}efstart color #6495ed, e, f, end color #6495ed, and the fourth term is \purple{gh}ghstart color #9d38bd, g, h, end color #9d38bd.
Hint #33 / 4
Each of the terms is the product of two variables. Each variable is a factor because it is one part of a product. The expression \red{ab}abstart color #df0030, a, b, end color #df0030 contains two factors: \red{a}astart color #df0030, a, end color #df0030 and \red{b}bstart color #df0030, b, end color #df0030. Similarly, the expressions \green{cd}cdstart color #28ae7b, c, d, end color #28ae7b, \blue{ef}efstart color #6495ed, e, f, end color #6495ed and \purple{gh}ghstart color #9d38bd, g, h, end color #9d38bd also contain two factors.
Hint #44 / 4
The expression ab+cd+ef+ghab+cd+ef+gha, b, plus, c, d, plus, e, f, plus, g, h consists of 444 terms, and each of these terms contains 222 factors.