proteins expressing color in butterfly wings mutate to improve camouflaging abilities of butterflies
Step-by-step explanation:
Adaptations occur when the genes of an organism change over time, usually due to external factors.
Beneficial Adaptation
Not all adaptation helps; as stated above adaptations can occur with any genetic mutation, even if it is not beneficial. That being said, beneficial adaptation helps an organism survive and reproduce, so helpful adaptations are the most likely to be passed on. Organisms that have harmful adaptations tend to have fewer offspring, meaning the adaptation does not pass on to the rest of the population.
If an adaptation decreases an organism's ability to survive or reproduce, then it is considered harmful. A beneficial adaptation must improve the life of an organism.
Camoflague allows an organism to hide from other living things, either to hunt or hide from predators. For these reasons, camouflage is considered beneficial. Specifically, butterflies use camouflage to hide and escape from predators that would eat them. This means that camouflage increases the life span of a butterfly. Thus, it must be a beneficial adaptation.