Answer: while
Step-by-step explanation:
from random import randint
# Generate and save a random number.
correct = randint(1,10)
# Initialize the variable to count the number of guesses.
attempts = 0
# Create a loop that continues until the user guesses the number.
keepGoing = True
while keepGoing:
# Get a guess from the user and update the number of guesses.
guess = input("Guess an integer from 1 to 10: ")
guess = int(guess)
attempts = attempts + 1
# Compare the guess to the correct answer.
if guess == correct:
# Tell the user the guess was correct.
print("You were correct!")
keepGoing = False
print("You were wrong.")
# Continue the loop until the user is correct.
# Tell the user how many guesses were required.
print("You guessed the number in",attempts,"attempts.")
You modified the program to give the user a hint by changing the "else" part of the if block.
if guess == correct:
# Tell the user the guess was correct.
print("You were correct!")
keepGoing = False
if guess < correct:
print("Guess higher.")
print("Guess lower.")