Whoops, four days ago. Thanks for the points. 1. The senate didn't want to create more tension with the Treaty of Versailles. 2. The U.S. said that the Germans were violent and evil, among other things. 3. In WWI, the Germans used chemical weapons, even though most other countries agreed to not use them. 4. Generals would force their men to charge heavily fortified trenches, against machine gun fire, that would cut them down by the thousands. The war would go nowhere for most of the war, with millions of casualties. 5. The Treaty of Versailles put Germany under so much pressure that they decided that they would be better off taking over the world and slaughtering the impure in WWII. Italy was also given very little, even though they were promised great rewards. Two fascist dictators (and an emperor) later, and you have yourself a pretty bad time.