Step-by-step explanation:
1. resistance training - b. involves the use of weights
2. body composition -a combination of fat-free mass and fat mass in your body
3. static stretching - d. holding a stretch
4. dynamic stretching -c moving and increasing the stretch gradually
Resistance training is done with weights to provide adequate resistance that you need to train a muscle or muscle group. This is very convenient because you can adjust the weight you want or need to lift to train the muscle.
Body composition is just that. What amount of fat or lean body weight composes your body. Lean body weight is not the same as muscle because there are bones, organs, and other things that add to that weight.
Static stretching involves you going in a pose and holding that for some time. 30s-1m is the recommended time for holding a stretch for optimal flexibility and to avoid injury
Dynamic stretching is holding some poses for stretching but not holding them for long but moving to some other pose to stretch other muscles.