Read each passage. Compare Eurymachus, the speaker in the first passage, to Odysseus, the speaker in the second passage.
How are Odysseus and Eurymachus similar?
A. Both are in charge of a group.
B. Both are powerful motivators.
C. Both are loyal to their families.
D. Both believe that the gods will help them.
They felt their knees fail, and their hearts – but heard
Eurymachus for the last time rallying them.
"Friends," he said, "the man is implacable.
Now that he's got his hands on bow and quiver
he'll shoot from the big door stone there
until he kills us to the last man.
Fight, I say,
let's remember the joy of it. Swords out!"
—The Odyssey,
Have we never been in danger before this?
More fearsome, it is now, than when the Cyclops
penned us in his cave? What power he had! . . . .
Heads up, lads!
We must obey the orders as I give them.
Get the oarshafts in your hands, and lay back
hard on your benches; hit these breaking seas.
Zeus, help us pull away before we founder.
—The Odyssey,