0 votes
Which ritual was performed on McMurdo and why?

What was the punishment for the breach of the code of secrecy and why do you think Harraway mentioned it to McMurdo?

What does Harraway mean by the following utterance:
Harraway: (Reproving) I move that Brother McMurdo should wait until it is the good pleasure of the Lodge to employ him. Explain in your own words.

Act 1, Scene 12
Explain the gist of the scene in your own words. What was the intent of Baldwin, Willaby brothers, Scanlan and McMurdo to go to Vermissa Herald?

Act 1, Scene 13

Why didn’t Ettie’s father like McMurdo?

Morris: When you joined the freeman’s Society in Chicago, did it ever cross your mind it would lead to crime?
McMurdo: If you call it crime.

Explain the above dialogue between Morris and McMurdo with reference to the rest of the conversation that follows (pg. 59-60). How do they see things differently? Quote examples from the conversation to substantiate your response.

Act 1, Scene 14
What tells you about Mr. Allen’s hearing from what she said and did while talking to the detectives?

Why was Barker offended when MacDonald mentioned Douglas’s wife? What did Barker tell him and Holmes about Douglas’s reaction towards his wife and Barker whenever they communicated?

What did Mrs. Douglas reveal about her husband’s life in America and Bodymaster McGinty?

User MotoDrizzt
7.3k points

1 Answer

2 votes


the açt 1 sçene that tellß talking about Mr.àll3ns hea4ing f4om d3çteçtibes

User Mallikarjuna
7.0k points