I would say something along these lines:
Cycles, patterns, repeats, does your day to day life consist of these? Do you feel like you want to escape? Do you feel that trying to take a vacation is no longer working on you? Are you... bored?
Many are victims of boredom, and vacationing no longer helps, so what can you do? Fear. Fear is the only emotion you have not tapped into yet. Fear is immeasurable as their is always the subconscious inside everyone to speculate and cause fear. However, what will cause immense fear, very few things can cause immense fear without danger being applied. Thankfully one of these resources can be right down the block. In fact... if your living (input the address) it might just be. Go check it out what do u see? A haunted house? A ghost on the top? A mummy near the mailbox? Don’t worry that’s just the beginning.