In this sequence of events, the story unfolds around a young teenager's reluctance towards school and his love for nature.
How to arrange the sequence
The sequence will be:
6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1
(6)Long time ago in a remote place of Suriago, there lived a young teenager who didn't like school. He wanted to just climb up hills and mountains to gather firewood or pick some ripe guavas which he loved very much.
(5) One day, he met a sinister-looking old woman. He was a bit afraid, however he was also enticed to go with her in her house, because she said that she had plenty of guava trees with ripened fruits in her backyard.
(4) The boy immediately climbed up each tree, picked and ate the ripe guavas until he didn't notice the glooming of the day.
(3) When he noticed that it was already dusk, he hurriedly climbed down from the tree, and jumped out of his skin as he saw the old woman like a sneering tiger who seemed ready to devour him. Terrified, he moved swiftly like a wind.
(2) Luckily, he ran across a farmer who was also striding towards home. The farmer brought him home for he was trembling with fear.
(1) From then on, he no longer idle around or climb up to the hills and mountains alone. He went back to school, studied seriously and he became a successful teacher.