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Step-by-step explanation:
Social pressure can simply be define as the influence that ones' peers have on him or her. Social pressure is also referred to as peer pressure and social pressure is not something new, it has been in existence since the days if old.
Despite being in existence for a long time, Students now face greater social pressure compared to the past times and the reasons to back it up are given in the paragraphs that follows this.
In this kind of society, a student in high school who is still not sure about what he or she wants to do after school is tagged as someone who is not serious with his or her life and is doom for failure and poverty.
Immediately the choices are made, there is also a fight for academic excellence, graduating with flying colors and securing a job for financial stability. Also, in school there is social pressure in getting a lover in school and after school, there is also social pressure in getting the right partner. In short, social pressure is as a result of the unseen future.
Unlike before in which going to college was not the order of the day, now many students strives to graduate very well in high school in order to be able to apply for college.
The stress these days is all about making money for future purposes. Many students because of that pressure would want to follow peers to graduate and secure a high paying job while some just want to leave school due to peer pressure to do something else apart from academics as long as money will be involved.