Consider what you just learned about protists and fungi! These statements pertaining to protists, fungi, or both. For the following examples place a “P” if only protists, “F” if only fungi, and “B” if for both protists and fungi.
5. ____B___ Most have a cell wall of chitin.
6.__________ Consists of exclusively heterotrophs.
7.___B_______ Can reproduce asexualy or sexually
8.__________ Can be categorized as “plant-like, animal like, or
9.__________ Many have cell walls of cellulose.
10.__________Yeasts, mushrooms, and bread molds are examples.
11.__________ Amoebas, slime molds, and euglena are all examples
12.__________ Many can perform photosynthesis.
13.__________ Can be unicellular or multicellular.
14.__________ Malaria is caused by species in this group (with
mosquitoes as vector)
15.__________ Involved in deriving the antibiotic penicillin (targets
16._________ Can be found in aquatic environments.