B, Spain eventually abandoned the search for gold and began to establish missions.
Step-by-step explanation:
Spanish explorers did use the guides but this was not after the exploration it was in the middle of it. D never happened because Coronados expedition never found gold or jewels. In 1769 the first mission from Spain was built in California and in 1632 Fort Angelo was built in Eastern Texas. From 1684-1689 Texas belonged to the French and Spain had Texas from 1690-1821. With this it looks like its B, Spain eventually abandoned the search for gold and began to establish missions. Maybe I am being too detailed oriented here but Spain did regain interest in Texas again because of the French so Spain never ceded Texas specifically to France they just abandoned it.
On a side note:
I never approached or even knew about this until you asked the question so I had to go to multiple sites and read all about Coronado's expedition and Spains history with France in Texas. Hopefully B is the correct answer but I believe but whats really confusing here is that if option C said "Spanish explorers found no gold and abandoned the territory of Texas leaving France to claim it." instead of "ceded to France" I would chosen C. I chose B based off of the fact that C is false from what I have read. Spain never ceded Texas to France they just abandoned it and after this Spain regained controls of Texas in 1690 and built missions from there on. Maybe your teacher did mean abandoned but him/ her using the word ceded specifically makes me think that choosing between B and C is very difficult because that was his intentions. I dont know how close to detail you should be looking at these questions so yeah I did what I could.