C. The World Trade Center Towers fell on September 11, 2001.
Step-by-step explanation:
The World Trade Center Towers were business buildings in New York, opened up during the 70s. The Twin Towers referred to in this poem were the target of the attack on September 11th of 2001. by terrorists who flew with two hijacked airplanes into them. This event is one of the most crucial events in US history, as well as one of the biggest tragedies. It changed a lot in the politics of the state and the life of the people in New York City, as well as people all over America.
With the mentioned line from the poem, the author tries to underline the experience of the attack. The author accents the importance of the fall of the Towers for the city and state by referring to the loneliness without these buildings. He also writes about the consequence of tragedy, as well as the loss it caused to everyone.