I've found this question online. These are the instructions:
Read these sentences. Finish each one and then complete the story in your own words.
Answer and Explanation:
One morning Peter and Tony got up early to go on an adventure. They cycled to a small beach where they left their bicycles. "We want to go fishing," they told an old fisherman. "Will you lend us your rowing-boat so that we can try it?" "Yes, but you must not row to the east," the fisherman said. "The sea is very rough over there." The two boys climbed into the boat and set off. They rowed quickly towards the small island which, it just so happens, was located in the east.
With some difficulty, they landed and secured the boat. They had decided to spend a day as castaways to see if they would be able to survive like they saw people doing on TV. What the boys did not notice was that a raging storm had been getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, heavy rain and lightnings began to fall from the sky. Peter and Tony couldn’t even try to get back home, for now the sea was rougher than ever. After a few minutes, to make matters worse, their boat was dragged by the strong winds and the current. Scared to their bones, the boys could do nothing but wait to be rescued. Once the storm was gone, the same fisherman that had warned them earlier showed up in boat and took the boys back to the beach. Peter and Tony went back home humbled by the experience.