A) Kenyans went elections and they had to choose between three coalitions; Jubilee
Cord and Amani. They must choose one, if they have no preference, can choose
all the three or, if against one option, they choose for the two they prefer. A
sample of 200 voters revealed the following information
30 chose Jubilee and Amani but not Cord
130 chose Cord only
102 chose Amani only
30 chose Jubilee and Cord
234 chose for either Jubilee or Cord, or both Jubilee and Cord, but not Amani
256 chose for either Cord or Amani, or both Cord and Amani, but not Jubilee
students chose
i) All the three options
(2 marks
ii) Only one option
(2 marks
iii) Jubilee irrespective of Cord or Amani
(2 marks