#1: Michelle by Sir Chloe
The song Michelle details a seemingly toxic relationship between partners. Michelle is referred to as "a monster from hell", showing how the singer feels about her. Michelle puts on a mask to the world, but when with the singer, she's an entirely different person. This mirrors the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth-- Lady Macbeth is manipulative, and their relationship is toxic, similar to what the song describes.
#2: Everything I Wanted by Billie EIlish
In Everything I Wanted, the singer describes how they got everything they thought they wanted in a dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare -- it also describes the singer's feelings of isolation. This is similar to how Macbeth feels-- he thinks he has everything he could ever want-- he's the king, even! But, ultimately, his dream turned out to be a nightmare. And he was alone, with no one to turn to.
(I will update this more in the answers, I just wanted to make sure you got these 2 in early enough)
#3: Natural by Imagine Dragons
Natural is about how one must be cruel in this world to climb to the top, and how you can show no remorse, no mercy, and no feelings.
"A beating heart of stone
You gotta be so cold
To make it in this world"
This is exactly what Macbeth feels he needs to do-- become this stone cold, emotionless killer to rise to the top. This idea is further enforced by his wife, Lady Macbeth, as she scolds her husband for being "weak" for not wanting to kill the king.
#4: Lose Yourself by Eminem
In Lose Yourself, the singer details how you might have to lose yourself to get what you want.
"He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's choking, how? Everybody's joking now"
These lyrics correspond to the scene where Macbeth quite literally chokes on his words when he sees the ghost of Banquo at the dinner table. Macbeth lost himself to get what he wanted, and he paid the price. He had to do whatever it took to make his "dream" a reality.
#5: I'll Make a Man Out of You from Mulan
Like the song, Lady Macbeth urges Macbeth to be more manly, and tougher. The song talks about specific properties a "man" must have to be an actual man. Lady Macbeth takes this to an extreme level with her husband, almost forcing him to kill the king.