average we find the average times for each checkpoint
point 1
= 2.07 s
point 2 t_{avg} = 3.16 s
point 3 t_{avg} = 4.11 s
point 4 t_{avg} = 4.92 s
given parameters
* Graph with time for each interval
to calculate
* average time for each interval (checkpoint)
The average of a magnitude is
in the average time, t_i each time the magnitude is measured and n the number of times the measurement is repeated for the same point.
The table shows the times measured for each interval
measurement time (s) in interval,
1 2 3 4
1 2.02 3.17 4.12 4.93
2 2.05 3.07 3.98 4.81
3 2.15 3.25 4.23 5.01
we look for the average time to get married check point
point 1
t_{avg} = (2.02 + 2.05 + 2.15) / 3
t_{avg} = 2.07 s
Point 2
t_{avg} = (3.17 +3.07 + 3.25) / 3
t_{avg} = 3.16 s
point 3
t_{avg} = (4.12 + 3.98 + 4.23) / 3
t_{avg} = 4.11 s
checkpoint 4
t_{avg} = (4.93 + 4.81 + 5.01) / 3
t_{avg} = 4.917 s
We use the criterion of significant figures for the sum, which is stable that the result must be given with the number of decimal places of the figure that I have the least.
t_{avg} = 4.92 s
the average allows to find the average times for each check point
point 1 tavg = 2.07 s
point 2 tavg = 3.16 s
point 3 tavg = 4.11 s
point 4 tavg = 4.92 s
learn more about average here: .com/question/15680250