The sentence that is correctly punctuated is:
After the morning rains cease, the swimmers emerge from their cottages.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let's look at each sentence individually to find the problems.
1. On the display screen, was a soothing pattern of light and shadow. --> The comma is separating the subject and the verb, which should never be done. This sentence is INCORRECT.
2. After the morning rains cease, the swimmers emerge from their cottages. --> This sentence is CORRECT. The comma is separating the ideas expressed in the different clauses.
3. Some first-year architecture students, expect to design intricate structures immediately. --> Again, we have a comma separating the subject and the verb. This is INCORRECT
4. Shade-loving plants such as, begonias, impatiens, and coleus can add color to a shady garden. --> When using "such as", we should not place a comma right before the first item to be listed. Therefore, there shouldn't be a comma before "begonias". This is INCORRECT