Which applicants would be best qualified for the jobs based on educational level?
O Applicants 1 and 2 are qualified to be Arbitrators, Applicant 3 is qualified to be a Legal Assistant, and Applicant
4 is qualified to be a Police Detective.
O Applicant 3 is qualified to be an Arbitrator, Applicants 2 and 4 are qualified to be Legal Assistants, and Applicant
1 is qualified to be a Police Detective.
O Applicants 2 and 4 are qualified to be Arbitrators, Applicants 1 and 4 are qualified to be Legal Assistants, and
Applicant 3 is qualified to be a Police Detective.
O Applicant 4 is qualified to be an Arbitrator, Applicants 2 and 3 are qualified to be Legal Assistants, and
Applicants 1 and 3 are qualified to be Police Detectives