Look below
Step-by-step explanation:
The allegory of the cave describes the education of children. The children are fettered and chained forced to look at projections on the wall, shadows or images of real things. They perceive this as reality.
-Shadow Section:
The cave is the sensible realm. (Sensible realm = Lovers of Sights and Sounds). Not reality / apparent reality. Use of imagination.
-Puppeteer Section
Puppeteers hold up the original items which are then projected onto the wall - light provided by the fire. The fire is the sun of sorts, it helps the children see the items so it is a "good" of sort. Use of belief.
-Into Sunlight - Reflection in Water
Intelligible realm (realm two). Thinking or reason realm. Here there are not images or originals, here are laws theories and concepts.
-Item reflected onto Water
The item itself is a representation of the forms. Forms are understood through philosophy (as originals are understood through belief, and images understood by imagination). Use of reason.
Represents the good.
Plato believes that education turns our souls sensible to the intelligible.