Things I like about distance learning are:
- I get to sleep in a bit.
- My schedule is more flexible.
- I can work in different environments.
- I can have my pets with me while in class!
- Fewer group projects (I dislike most group projects as I do most of the work)
- I have more resources.
- I can ask my parents and siblings for help if needed.
- Fewer distractions.
- I can stay in comfy clothes all day.
- Fewer restrictions/ more freedom.
Things I dislike about distance learning:
- I don't get to see my friends every day.
- I get more headaches since I'm in front of a screen all day.
- It's harder to be motivated.
- It's easier to get behind on assignments.
- I don't get to meet new people (In-person ofc)
- It's harder to do classes like gym or art with online learning.
- Online school can be difficult if you have technology issues.
- I don't get to see my teachers.
- I can't do school sports and school-related activities.
- I'm an extrovert so I can't socialize.
Hope this helps! Good luck on your project! :)