"Now, Willie," said my daddy, "I expect you to take mighty good care of this horse. I'm depending on Ghost Wind to win me more than a few races by the coming year, and I want him in the best condition possible. I'll do the training myself, and I don't want anybody sitting him besides myself and Paul here. Paul's got a definite hand with horses, and I figure him to ride for me someday with his light weight." This was the first time I'd heard this. I was actually going to ride Ghost Wind! I couldn't help but grin, and I glanced over at Mitchell in my pride. But Mitchell cut me a sour look, then looked back at the stallion.
—The Land,
Mildred D. Taylor
Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.
What is Mitchell’s viewpoint in this passage?
What is Paul’s viewpoint in the passage?