Animal is the Komodo Dragon
Introduction Paragraphs
included my entire introduction paragraph from Lesson 02.06 Introduction Paragraph
5 Excellent
3 Satisfactory
0 Not included
Body Paragraph 1 (the Problem)
wrote a topic sentence that clearly related to my thesis and supported my topic sentence with facts from my research
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
0 No paragraph found outlining the problem
Body Paragraph 2 (Who /what it affects)
wrote a topic sentence that clearly related to my thesis and supported my topic sentence with facts from my research
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
0 No paragraph found explaining who /what the problem affects
Body Paragraph 3 (Solutions)
wrote a topic sentence that clearly related to my thesis and supported my topic sentence with facts from my research
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
0 No paragraph found outlining solutions to the problem
Signal Phrases
clearly used signal phrases to identify ideas that were not my own
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
0 No signal words identifying ideas not the writer's own
Direct Quote
clearly used at least one direct quote from a source
and punctuated the quote properly
5 Excellent
3 Satisfactory (attempted to punctuate properly; however, problems exist with the placement of quotation marks or end punctuation)
0 No direct quote found
clearly used transition phrases to connect ideas, sentences, and paragraphs
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
0 No transitional words included
Precise Language
clearly used precise language to show my understanding of the topic
10 Excellent
7 Satisfactory
5 Needs Improvement
Clarity in Writing
clearly wrote in the third person point of view and used correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
5 Excellent
3 Satisfactory
2 Needs Improvement