using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream file_one("lyric1.txt", ios::binary);
ifstream file_two("lyric2.txt", ios::binary);
file_one.seekg(0, ios::end); // retrieving file size of lyric1.txt file
file_two.seekg(0, ios::end); // retrieving file size of lyric2.txt file
// converting the binary file size to an integer.
int fileOne = file_one.tellg();
int fileTwo = file_two.tellg();
cout<<"Size of the lyric1.txt is"<<" "<< fileOne<<" "<<"bytes";
cout<<"Size of the lyric2.txt is"<<" "<< fileTwo<<" "<<"bytes";
cout<< fileOne <<" : "<< fileTwo;
Step-by-step explanation:
The source code gets the file size of two word files and displays them in bytes and also displays the ratio of both files.