decimal format = 29.25
mixed number = 29 1/4
Improper fraction = 117/4
Make the denominators equal after simplifying the denominators*. The denominators are currently 2 and 4. So you can just make your life easier by making the denominator of the first number a 4. Multiply both sides by 2.
1. Simplify
12*2+1 = 25/2
25/2*2/2 = 50/4
2. Simplify second number
16*4+3 = 67/4
3. Add the improper fractions
50/4 + 67/4 = 117/4
Total answer:
29.25 = decimal format
mixed number = 29 1/4
Improper fraction = 117/4
*denominators - the bottom number of a fraction
Hope this helped,
Kavitha Banarjee