The English channel is landed between Southern England and Northern France, connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Northern Sea. It is important for transportation between the UK and continental Europe, as well as for historical events that took place at it.
Step-by-step explanation:
The English channel is the strip of the water that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Sea, while also separating the United Kingdom and France. The narrowest part of the Channel is located at the so-called Strait of Dover, wide only 33.3km and located between Dover and Calais. It is even possible to see the shore of the other country across the water from this point.
The English channel is important as the location that both separates and connects two countries, but also the UK from the rest of Europe. Scientifically, it is important because of various tides and water movements that can be studied, as well as the movement of glaciers. Historically, it is significant as the place where many technologies and means of transportation were first tested, but also because of the naval activities during wars and combats.
Finally, it is of great significance because of the transportation. It is a place where people can easily cross from the UK to continental Europe by boat, but also through the famous channel tunnel that goes underneath the water and is 50km long.