This quantity = 0.298 nanograms(ng)
Further explanation
Mass is one of the principal quantities, which is related to the matter in the object
The main mass unit consists of 7 units of other than other units of mass such as quintals, tons, pounds, ounces:
Kilogram, kg
Hectogram, hg
Decagram, dag
gram, g
Desigram, with
centigram, cg
milligram, mg
Each unit descends then multiplied by 10, and if one unit increases then divided by 10
Conversion of other mass units:
10⁻³ g ⇒mg-milligrams
10³ g ⇒kg-kilograms
10⁻⁶ g ⇒µg-micrograms (mcg)
10⁶ g ⇒Mg-megagrams (tons)
10⁻⁹ g ⇒ng-nanograms
10⁹ g ⇒Gg-gigagram
10⁻¹² g ⇒pg-pikogram
2.98 x 10⁻¹⁰ g to nanograms(ng)