Ending of the Kapu System
Step-by-step explanation:
I think that the most significant one is the ending of the Kapu system. In ancient Hawaiʻi, it was believed that if you broke the kapu system, the Gods would be mad at you and something bad will happen to you and you can die. This striked fear in all the people of Hawaiʻi and no one broke the system for a very long time. Kaʻahumanu, Kamehamehaʻs favorite wife, who ruled alongside Liholiho since he was too young wanted to break the kapu system because it was slightly unfair to women. Kaʻahumanu convinced Liholiho to eat with her, and part of the kapu system is that women and men must eat separately. Nothing happened to Liholiho when he broke the kapu, which showed all the other people that it is fine if they break the kapu as well. Just a short while after he ate with Kaʻahumanu, they announced that the kapu system is no more. Many Hawaiians rejoiced and started to tear down sacred heiau. This led to people questioning if the Gods were even real. Eventualluy, after a few other events, there was a religious void among the people. Then the missionaries came and they willingly converted to chrisitanity in order to fill that religious void.