Mughal Empire is really important in India's cultural history; I mean, the Taj Mahal was built during this time in architecture. In painting, we see a blending of Indian and Persian styles that demonstrate how cosmopolitan the empire was. But probably the most important aspect of the Mughals, at least as far as the contemporary world is concerned, is that they consolidated Muslim rule over much of India and they're largely the reason that today there are so many Indians who are also Muslims. And the Mughals were also a really interesting example of like, how to build and maintain an empire.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Mughals were Muslims who created an empire in India that held power for roughly 200 years between the early 16th and early 18th centuries, although technically, the Mughal empire didn't come to an end until after the Indian rebellion against the British in 1857. Now the Mughals weren't the first Muslims in India -- those would have been merchants -- and they weren't even the first Muslims to rule significant parts of India -- that honor goes to the Delhi Sultanate, which began in 1206 in Northern India.