As someone who has been negatively peer pressured, saying no is easier said than done. My ex-friends once tried to get me to vape, I was not comfortable with vaping at all. They asked me if I wanted to try it when we were hanging out one afternoon. I told them no, and instead of being okay with my decision, they said that I should and that it's so much fun. I said no again and that still was not enough for them. They told me again that I should try it and that I wouldn't regret it. So finally I got up and left (we were at the elementary school that was right by my house), and went home. I stopped hanging out with them after that. If I would in a situation like this again, I would tell whoever was peer pressuring me no and if they were still pressuring me, I would get up and walk away, or call one of my parents to come get me.
Step-by-step explanation: