Based on the repetition in Twelfth Song of Thunder, the voice coming from above and the voice coming from below are equally important.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Twelfth Song of Thunder is a Navajo poem that celebrates the sky, the land, and the creatures that surround us. The text of the poem is the following:
The voice that beautifies the land!
The voice above,
The voice of thunder
Within the dark cloud
Again and again it sounds,
The voice that beautifies the land.
The voice that beautifies the land!
The voice below,
The voice of the grasshopper
Among the plants
Again and again it sounds,
The voice that beautifies the land.
The first stanza is dedicated to the voice coming from above, and the second is dedicated to the voice coming from below. Both of the voices beautify the land in their own way. Based on the fact that both voices receive the same amount of attention and have the same significance, we can conclude that both of them are equally important.