Let's start by turning these decimals into fraction. In the decimal system, ever digit to the right of the decimal point means "divided by 10". For example, 1.1 means 11/10, 1.01 means 101/100, and so on.
-2.6 = -26/10
-2.75 = -275/100
-2.4 = -24/10
-2 = -2/1
Now, we multiply the fractions to find a common denominator so that we can compare the numbers
-12/5 * 20/20 = -240/100
-26/10 * 10/10 = -260/100
-275/100 * 1/1 = -275/100
-24/10 * 10/10 = -240/100
-2/1 * 100/100 = -200/100
Now comparing the numbers, we must remember that these are negative numbers so the larger the negative number looks the smaller it actually is, and the smaller the negative number looks the larger it actually is.
Through this, we can conclude that -200/100 or -2 is the only number greater than -12/5