THIS IS FOR MY FRIEND Yes, there are indeed benefits for children involved in advertisements on television and social media. Companies and some parents easily make money as some people may find the kids cute and the products more comprehensible to buy. ... Leading to bigger acting roles in television or movies.Advertising to children is the act of advertising products or services to children as defined by national legislation and advertising standards. It is often the subject of debate, relating to the alleged influence on little children's consumption. Laws concerning such advertisements have largely evolved in recent years such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States. In most countries, advertising to small children is framed by a mix of legislation and advertising self-regulation.In the 19th century, the compulsory education of children was established which consequently made them target audiences of many publications.Also around this period, Comic books publishers realized the importance of marketing comic books to young people in raising their potential sales, which resulted in the rise of comic book promotion to the youth market in the 19th century. In this era, broadcast media (radio and television) grew in popularity. For advertisers, these mediums expanded their ability to communicate with consumers effectively. It was also during this era that spot advertising (a form of advertising where advertisements appear between programs) came to be known as a prodigious way of advertising.
As the popularity of sponsorship arrangements grew,American advertisers sponsored Since the 1970s, there has been a large amount of concern as to whether or not children are able to comprehend advertisements and the extent to which they do so. A study conducted by Goldberg, M. E., & Gorn, G. J. in 1983 looked at the acquisition of children's cognitive defences and found that, until the age of 8 most children are unable to understand the selling intent of televised advertisements. Between the ages of 8 and 11 children only have a partial understanding of selling intent, and it is not until at least the age of 11 that a child is able to fully understand the selling intent of televised advertisements. The study concludes that there is a large difference in basic understanding of the purpose of advertising between children of a younger age and of an older age, and as a result different age groups have different reactions to television-based advertisements.There are positive and negative implications to TV advertising on little children, for both marketers and the children who view the advertisements. Many advertising aimed at children is criticized for enforcing gender stereotypes. Some countries have broadcast codes that suggest that TV advertisements should not contain exaggerated claims that will mislead or deceive children, abuse their trust or lack the understanding of persuasive intent in an advertisement.Many parents report being pestered by their children for the product they have seen on TV. This phenomenon is dubbed "pester power", which means that little children pester their parents to buy things for them that they desire. A study showed that mothers are more likely to purchase a product for their children due to the emotional appeal of their children's response to an advertisement.Critics have likewise communicated concern with respect to the predominance of promoting of brutal media, for example, films and computer games, focusing on children. Three reports by the Federal Trade Commission discovered significant help for such charges, and keeping in mind that reviews have not legitimately surveyed the effect of such publicizing, almost certainly, such advertisements do influence kids' media inclinations.
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