$7 ; $4 ; $3
Given that:
1 player loses and 2 wins
Loser pays each winner amount each winner already has
3 rounds was played
At the end, each player has lost 1 round each and has $8.00
Since each player lost 1 round each, then each player won twice.
Given that the players are A, B and C
Starting from the last round :
Recall; they all have $8 after the last round.
If A lost the last round and pays B and C the amount they already have.
B and C finally have $8, Hence amount A paid B and C = 8/2 = $4 each
Hence, at the end of 2nd round / before last round :
A has ($8 paid + $8 final) = $16
B and C each have $4
End of first round before 2nd round of game:
If B lost, and pays A and C the amount they already have ;
A finally has 16 hence, amount B pays A = 16/2 = $8
Amount B pays C = 4/2 = $2
A = $8
B = $4 + $(8 + 2) = $14
C = $2
Ist round
C will lose :
Amount C pays B = $14 / 2 = $7
Amount C pays A = $8 /2 = $4
Hence, amount C has before round 1:
$7 + $4 + $2 = $13
Hence; Before the game ;
Either of the three players have ;
$7 ; $4 and $13