Age of Mrs. Saada is: 73 years
Age of Mrs. Saada is between 50 and 80 years.
If age is divided by 9, remainder is 1 and
If age is divided by 4, remainder is 1.
First of all, let us have a look at the multiples of 9 between 50 and 90.
They are: 54, 63 and 72.
For having remainder one, the age can be: 54+1 = 55 OR 63+1 = 64 OR 72+1 = 73
Now, we can check by dividing 55, 64 and 73 for checking the remainder.
Remainder when 55 is divided by 4 = 3
Remainder when 64 is divided by 4 = 0
Remainder when 73 is divided by 4 = 1
So, the answer is:
Age of Mrs. Saada is: 73 years