Identify the phrase in the passage below that best illustrates why Anthony thought Sally Ann would be a good overseer: *This answer did not satisfy Susan and she often thought about it. To enter the mill, to stand quietly and look about, was the best kind of entertainment, for she was fascinated by the whir of the looms, by the nimble fingers of the weavers, and by the general air of efficiency. Admiringly she watched Sally Ann Hyatt, the tall capable weaver from Vermont. When the yarn on the beam was tangled or there was something wrong with the machinery, Elijah, the overseer, always called out to Sally Ann, "I'll tend your loom, If you'll look after this." Sally Ann never failed to locate the trouble or to , the yarn. Yet she was never made overseer, and this continued to puzzle Susan." O never failed to locate the trouble o best kind of entertainment o nimble fingers of the weavers o air of efficiency​