The code is written line wise in MATLAB. The code is explained by comments, which are written after % sign in bold. Note: Comments are not the part of code.
L = input('Enter the Length of Box [meters]:'); %First we take length input and save in variable L
W = input('Enter the Width of Box [meters]:'); %We take length input and save in variable W
H = input('Enter the Height of Box [meters]:'); %We take length input and save in variable H
R = input('Enter the Radius of Hole [meters]:'); %We take length input and save in variable R
if R >= min(L/2,W/2) %Condition for the radius greater than half of shorter dimension
disp('Error! Radius must be less than the half of the shorter dimension among length and width');
Vb = L*H*W; % Calculating Total Volume of Box and save in Vb
Vh = pi*(R^2)*H; %Calculating Volume of Hole and save in Vh
Vr = Vb - Vh; %Calculating remaining volume and save in Vr
fprintf('The remaining volume of box is ');
fprintf('%.f2',Vr); %Display Answer
fprintf(' cubic meter');
Enter the Length of Box [meters]:3
Enter the Width of Box [meters]:3
Enter the Height of Box [meters]:3
Enter the Radius of Hole [meters]:1
The remaining volume of box is 182 cubic meter>>