What is the relationship between the following selections from the article?
According to psychiatrists, binge-watching releases a chemical called dopamine in the brain, which creates a feeling of pleasure and can help people to relax and relieve stress.
She has pointed out that the human body "can become addicted to any activity or substances that consistently produce dopamine." In fact, she says, the same neuronal pathways that are activated by drug addiction are activated by an addiction to binge-watching.
A) One selection illustrates the causes of increased dopamine levels in the brains of people who binge-watch television; the other describes the effect of that increase.
B) Both selections support the idea that binge-watching increases dopamine levels in the brain, leading to reduced stress and increased relaxation for the viewer.
C) One selection illustrates a possible neurological problem caused by binge-watching; the other describes a potential solution to that problem.
D) Both selections support the idea that binge-watching affects brain chemistry, but they emphasize different psychological consequences of those effects.