Its very effective heres some tips
Step-by-step explanation:
Grabs some pretty highlighters,and sticky notes u might need bookmarkers if ur using a text book
Grab a snack like a sandwhichand tea or a granola bar plus milk NEVER drink coffee it makes ur brain think slower.
Next make sure u had a nice shower ad ur relaxed sit in ur bed or in a cozy but not to cozy room so you dont fall asleep
make sure the room isnt
dark or ur eyes will strain from looking at the computer to long
next be sure to highlight important ideas or keynotes then add facts to those so u can review make sure to keep it short and simple with enough detail tp memorize
right before u finish memorize as much as u can and say all u memorized before sleeping if you can only think of to topics it means the details where to long and hard to grasp LASTLY GET SLEEP!! dont
drink coffee before exams dont overthink it and make sure that u dont study hard but keep it simple so you dont stres!!