Answer: Since 1960, under the influence of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive neuroscience, our awareness of ourselves and our environment—our consciousness—has reclaimed its place as an important area of research. After initially claiming consciousness as its area of study in the nineteenth century, psychologists had abandoned it in the first half of the twentieth century, turning instead to the study of observable behavior because they believed consciousness was too difficult to study scientifically. In the dual process theory, there is a notion that the person has the ability to process information and making purposes happens in two ways. There are two parts to the process: The implicit process - this is the process whereby part of the person's mind reacts to the situations in an automatic way. This happens whether there is a consciousness in the thought process or not. The other aspect is explicit process - this process takes place when a conscious decision is made. The process is non-impulsive. In the processes, the process occur independently and at most times, simultaneously. An example of autopilot would be singing a song while concentrating on something else. After driving and arriving to our destination, we don't remember the trip.