this is what I wrote for it, but you might have to change stuff:
Briefly describe your local waste disposal services recycling policy.
• Black bin: everyday Garbage
• Green bin: for long-clipping/grass, and plants
• Red bin: cardboard, plastics, and certain tin cans
What materials did your recycling bin contain by the end of the week?
I honestly don't know. My guesses are In the black bin, plastic bags w/ dog poop and other types of garbage, in the green bin, a few weeds, and in our red bin, cardboard boxes from the food and items we buy.
Approximately, how much garbage and recyclables did you collect in a week’s time? Were you surprised by the amount of garbage and recyclables that your family collected in a week? we probably had 1-3 bags of garbage, 1 bag of recyclables. HAving a family of four in the house, and four dogs, I was not surprised by this at all.
Besides recycling, list four ways that your family could decrease the amount of garbage that you throw away each week? (This could include habits i.e. purchasing prepackaged food) I don't know four ways we could reduce, but I know that we could probably help reduce the amount of garbage by buying less stuff we don't really need, like some packaged food, vegetables we won't eat/use, etc.
Write a conclusion paragraph of at least 100 words using good grammar and sentences. Please include what you learned in the activity and why everyone should recycle? Think about the environmental and economical necessity to society as you write.
Recycling is very important because waste has a very large, and negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from the waste in landfill sites. Recycling can help to reduce the pollution caused by waste (and humans). Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rain forests can be preserved, as we are cutting down the trees to make paper, toilet paper, paper plates, napkins, etc.