Final answer:
The quote comes from the ancient Greek mythology, detailing the story of Perseus, who, with the help of gods Athena and Hermes, slays the gorgon Medusa. This myth has been depicted in various literary and artistic works over the centuries.
Step-by-step explanation:
The quoted text refers to the Greek mythological story of Perseus, the demigod hero who is famous for slaying Medusa. This story comes from ancient Greek mythology and has been retold in various forms through literature and art. The myth suggests that Perseus was a half-god, being the son of Zeus. He received help from other gods in the form of magical tools; Athena provided him with a reflective shield, and Hermes (Mercury in the Roman version) gave him winged sandals for flight. The purpose of these gifts was to enable Perseus to defeat Medusa without directly looking at her and turning to stone. Medusa was a gorgon, cursed by Athena with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked at her into stone.
Overcome with pride, Medusa had dared to compare her beauty to that of Athena, which resulted in her transformation into a gorgon as a punishment. Perseus not only defeated Medusa but also performed further heroic deeds; for example, he saved Andromeda, linking the story to ancient themes such as the triumph of light over darkness, illustrated through the symbolism of the sun vanquishing the night.