Scientists made few new discoveries.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Hellenistic period is one of the greatest ages in history when it comes to art, culture, and science. Many Greek scientists made quite a few discoveries that we use today still.
Some of the greatest ones were in the field of medicine. Heroplilos of Chalcedon discovered pulse and how it can help with diagnosing illnesses. He also made a distinction between sensory and motor nerves. Erasistratos and he also made epochal discoveries by finding atoms are essential to body elements, flowing through the body through the blood circulation.
Aristarchus of Samos was the astronomer of the Hellenistic period that thought eath and planet are going around the Sun, and that they only seem fixed because they are so far away from people who observe them.
Archimedes of Syracuse was a mathematician and physicist whose research of floating bodies and gravity concluded in the invention of the lever, which helped engineering develop further.
Some other things that have been discovered in the Hellenistic age are – lighthouse, alarm clock, odometer (for measuring distances), air and water pumps, a slot machine, a thermoscope, etc.