13 carnations
Assuming you meant 2/5 because 2.5 would mean there are more roses in the vase than there are flowers in the vase, heres how to solve this.
Each fraction is referring to "flowers" not "remaining flowers" and as such each time we will be comparing to the total.
2/5 of the total flowers are roses. This is written in words as for every 5 flowers two are roses, which means we will multiply 2 by how many sets of five we have in 30 flowers.
(30/5) x 2 =
(6) x 2 = 12 roses
Though with fractions its written as 30/1*2/5 which is the same as (30 x 2)/5
60/5 = 12 roses
Following this logic for every 6 flowers one is a daisy.
30/1 * 1/6 = (30 x 1)/6 = 30/6 = 5 daisies
Because the rest are carnations we want to subtract the amount of daisies and roses from the total amount of flowers to find the remaining flowers.
30 - 5 - 12 = 13 carnations
Hope this helps,