Importance of pronoun agreeing with number & gender of its antecedent
Step-by-step explanation:
Pronoun is a word used instead of subject noun, for referring to it again & again. Eg : Ram (He) , Sita (She) , Ram & Sita (They) , Pen (It), Colors (These)
As in above egs, pronouns are as per noun's gender & number.
- Ram (Singular, Male) - He ; Sita (Singular, Female) - She ; Ram & Shyam (Plural) - They ; Pen (Singular, Nonliving) - It) ; Colors (Plural, Non living) - These
Pronoun rules gives clarity about noun being referred again in writing. If they don't adhere to these rules, the written content would not be properly clear.
Eg : Ram was asked to bring pen. He bought it. {The pronouns rightly use clearly depict that 'He' is used for Ram, 'It' for pen}